Pharmacovigilance 2.0 Results

Pharmacovigilance 2.0 Phase I Results

Aim 1 Objective

  • To describe the prevalence of medications utilized by Medicare beneficiaries and identify Target Medications

Aim 1 Methods

  • The Aim 1 cohort comprised Medicare beneficiaries who were continuously enrolled in fee-for-service Part A, B and D during the index period (2017) and who were age ≥ 65 years as of January 1, 2018 (index date). Oral prescription medications were identified (e.g., by generic name) during the study period (2018-2019). The prevalence of oral prescription medication exposure was determined, and rank ordered by the total number of unique patients with ≥ 1 pharmacy dispensing claim for a given medication. The Top 50 oral prescription medications (Target Medications) were identified and categorized by indication (e.g., hyperlipidemia) and medication class (e.g., statin).

Aim 1 Results - Summary

  • 9,826,138 Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and older were included in the study cohort

    • Average age 76 years, predominantly female (60%), and largely White race (82%)

    • Approximately 50% had Medicare for over ten years

    • 80% were followed for the entire two-year follow-up period

      • ~5% death annually & ~5% Medicare Part A, B, or D fee-for-service disenrollment annually

  • Nearly 90% were treated with one of the Top 50 most commonly used oral prescription medications (Target Medications)

    • Most commonly used Target Medications were:


    • Average of 6.4 of Target Medications per patient (median = 6) were observed during the two year follow-up period

    • Incident or new medication use was observed for 10-30% of patients treated with chronically used medications

  • The stability and comprehensive coverage of the study cohort underscore its suitability for pharmacovigilance and drug safety research.

Aim 1 Results - Details (see document below)