Veritas Research Foundation

Independent Drug Safety Research

VRF Mission

To serve the needs of public health in the United States and globally, VRF is an independent, nonprofit research organization aimed to detect, confirm and ultimately prevent medication related harm

The Problem VRF is Trying to Solve

Serious and life-threatening adverse drug events (ADEs) may not be detected or adequately quantified in small scale clinical trials and may only be illuminated after many thousand or millions of patients are treated with a new medication. This is especially true for high-risk, vulnerable patients (including the elderly) with the greatest therapeutic need, but who are often excluded from new medication trials. Thus, medication safety must be critically evaluated following regulatory approval; however, the current paradigm of post-approval pharmacovigilance and drug safety research is notably deficient.

  • New medicine clinical trials are primarily designed to assess efficacy (not safety)

    PROBLEM: Serious and life-threatening adverse drug events (ADEs) may not be detected or adequately quantified in small scale clinical trials and may only be revealed after many thousand or millions of patients are treated

    New medicine clinical trials often exclude the sickest patients

    PROBLEM: Pre-approval medication safety is often not established for high-risk, vulnerable patients with the greatest therapeutic need. Thus, medication safety must be evaluated and established following regulatory approval

  • Reliance on passive or “spontaneous” ADE reporting

    PROBLEM: This paradigm leads to substantial ADE underrepresentation, as most ADEs remain unreported, thus impeding the capacity to pinpoint true safety signals. Additionally, passive reporting is inherently biased due to lack of systematic ADE ascertainment.

    Inadequate ADE report quality

    PROBLEM: ADE report content variability obstructs the precise quantification and contextualization of potential ADE signals

    Absence of critical data to assess causality

    PROBLEM: Spontaneous ADE reporting systems lack the true number of patients with an ADE and the number of patients treated with a medication. Therefore, causal ambiguity results, thereby making it impossible to estimate a robust casual association between medication use and ADEs

Innovation in Drug Safety Research

VRF’s innovative approach to drug safety research - Pharmacovigilance 2.0 - employs systematic strategies to proactively detect “known” and “unknown” medication-related safety signals and confirm the causal association between medication exposure and adverse drug events (ADEs) among vulnerable patients heavily reliant on pharmacotherapy.

Pharmacovigilance 2.0 empowers patients, healthcare providers, and drug regulators with critical information aimed to:

  • Reveal true ADE risk

  • Mitigate future ADE risk through safer medication prescribing practices

  • Improve the accuracy of medication labeling with respect to ADE risk

  • Objective

    To prevent medication-related harm, cultivate safer medication practices, and ensure equitable access to safe pharmacotherapy and optimal outcomes

    Primary research question

    What serious adverse drug events are associated with commonly used medications among elderly patients?

    Real World Data Integration

    Transitioning from the inherent biases of voluntary or “spontaneous” adverse drug event (ADE) reporting systems, Pharmacovigilance 2.0’s integration of comprehensive real world data (RWD) captures critical details pertaining to medication exposure, reveals unreported ADEs, and includes detailed patient narratives. This novel utilization of RWD signifies a sea change in safeguarding public health.

    Surveillance Amplified

    A departure from passive safety signal surveillance, Pharmacovigilance 2.0 actively detects medication-linked safety signals exposing otherwise concealed patient harm using systematic and innovative methods.

    Contextual Understanding

    Elevating from isolated safety signals devoid of context, Pharmacovigilance 2.0 employs rigorous methodology to identify, contextualize, and confirm adverse drug events thereby generating robust inferences regarding medication related harm.

    Pharmacovigilance 2.0 Protocol

Research Principles & Scientific Leadership

The Veritas Research Foundation is guided by a world-class cadre of epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and clinical experts committed to safeguarding public health. We possess a relentless commitment to methodologic innovation using fit-for-purpose data to detect, quantify, and confirm medication related harm. This commitment further extends to transparency, where the facets of our research methodology and findings are presented and published with unwavering candor.

  • Dr. Rowan is the Principal Investigator of Pharmacovigilance 2.0. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Rutgers University Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science (PETS) and a pharmacoepidemiologist, biostatistician, and drug safety researcher by training.

    His research vision is to employ an innovative approach using comprehensive real-world data (RWD) to improve drug safety research and safe guard public health.

    Through his nearly two decades of drug safety research, he has extensive experience using comparative methods to estimate causal relationships between medication exposure and a variety of adverse drug events. Additionally, Dr. Rowan has conducted and published many burden of illness, drug utilization, comparative safety and predictive modeling studies.

    Dr. Rowan has extensive experience designing and executing drug safety research studies using large electronic health record (EHR) and administrative claims data – in a variety of disease and therapeutic areas. His recent publications include comparative safety research, predictive modeling studies, methodologic investigations, and health services research.

    His research proficiencies include study design, statistical analysis, interpretation of research findings, and dissemination through peer reviewed publications (abstracts and manuscripts) and presentation. Dr. Rowan has a strong publication track-record and conducted a pre-doctoral fellowship at the FDA to study drug safety signals as part of his dissertation research.

    Curriculum Vitae

    Publications - Google Scholar



    Adjunct Associate Professor -Rutgers University, Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science

Research Funding

VRF’s independent drug safety research is sustained through donations from concerned citizens, ensuring independence by not accepting funds from pharmaceutical manufacturers or other sources with conflicting interests. We are currently seeking donations to support Phase I of Pharmacovigilance 2.0, focusing on detecting, quantifying, and confirming serious adverse drug events associated with the top 50 most commonly used medications by Medicare beneficiaries.

  • VRF’s drug safety research is sustained through generous donations from concerned citizens who are dedicated to enhancing the understanding of and ultimately preventing medication-related harm.

  • Committed to maintaining our integrity and independence, VRF consciously avoids accepting donations or grants from pharmaceutical manufacturers and any other funding agency that might present a conflict of interest. This approach ensures that VRF can operate transparently and continue its critical research without external influence and bias.

  • We deeply appreciate your support with a donation to help fund independent drug safety research. We are currently seeking to raise $1.58 million to support Phase I of Pharmacovigilance 2.0 (3 years), which will focus on the detection, quantification, and confirmation of serious adverse drug events (ADEs) associated with the top 50 most commonly used medications used by Medicare beneficiaries in the United States.

Contact us to Learn More about VRF and Pharmacovigilance 2.0